25 May, 2007

Money well spent.NOT

This is absolutely money well spent. (Am I being sarcastic?) For forty million dollars we get to help a country that barely has a stance on what to do about its government. Who might possibly turn on us while part of its constituency covertly aligns with Iran and Hezbollah. Who as most people dont want to realize is a country that is at the brink of yet another civil war. Should we really help? I hope enough people are saved from this. And I hope that for once, the U.S. doesnt get reamed for getting involved after arms are shipped. We have enough problems to deal with and we can't save the world. Sometimes you just have to let others fight and squeeze out all the rage they have inside and hope you don't get wiped out while helping in the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree. What's more, in March 2007, The New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh suggested that the Lebanese government was giving support to Fatah al-Islam (a Sunni organization with ties to Al-Qaeda) to help defeat Hezbollah. This is something the U.S. would also be interested in and it has also been suggested that the U.S. has secretly negotiated with the Siniora government to provide aid to Fatah al-Islam could attack Hezbollah (Shiite).

Talk about sleeping with the enemy.