15 February, 2008

Nothing much has changed

No it hasnt. I've been offline for a while. More specifically I stayed away from blogging to preserve my sanity and it's just as expected. Nothing much has changed in the Middle East to really wow me and compel me to say that people are trying their darndest to make an impact in wiping out years of prejudice, hate and jealousy. Thanks to Bush who likes to throw his weight around, he's made American's look like real bullies to the world who think we can solve the problems in the Middle East. We barely can solve our own problems back home. Dont get me started again with all the prejudiced Arabs who are so two-faced they put the rest of their people to shame. Bottom line is everyone has to make a choice. Lebanon is going down the toilet because it cant make a damn decision. If Iran wants to go the evil path then turn its government into a monarchy and proclaim Ahmadinejad the king of destruction. If Iraq wants to keep killing its own people, then let it. American troops and other countries' troops can't convince its people to choose peace. In a few more years, we can all revisit this topic and reflect that not a damn thing has changed in the Middle East because the people wont concede to achieve peace.

20 September, 2007

Lebanese Hypocrisy

Recently watched an old interview of Bachir Gemayel back when he was president and he spoke about alliances and issues with other countries which was really just a strange telling of how the Lebanese government has been acting today and how Lebanese are now more strongly divided in views on their country's future.

Check out the video.


Talk about straddling the fence. This guy talked about a united [sic] Christian front but wasnt even open to dialog with its opposition. (Even if you cant negotiate with barbarians[sic] doesnt mean it's right to forego diplomacy).

The sad thing is Christians in Lebanon seem to be just as f-ed as the extremist Muslim supporters of Hezbollah because they are just as prejudiced. Listen to Gemayel and tell me that's not how some Christian Lebanese feel these days. The Christians want the Muslims out but they've been outnumbered and overshadowed since ohh... the 1970's? and they dont speak out or do enough to make a difference. They just want to be left alone in the mountains. Even Aoun has become a strange bedfellow with the Muslim constituency because of his odd alliance with Hezbollah. Muslims want unity but they want it in a militant way. And what about prejudice among Arabs in general? Let's put more salt on that wound. It's no secret that male chauvinism and bigotry still exists here. This cant be the Paris of the Middle East. No wonder prosperity wouldnt last. Too many divisions and despise of diversity eventually killed the fire.

It doesnt really seem to matter anymore that a small minority truly want peace and prosperity for Lebanon. All this tells me is that prejudice is always going to be at the heart of it and the more Lebanese try to weed each other out (and the people who try to help them), the smaller their voice gets.

So recently another anti Syrian politician was assassinated. People are restless and scared about the recent violent incident. Locals are once again fearing they have to leave their country. Let's see where shall they go... the U.S., Canada, anywhere else but where they should really be.. their own country. How ironic is it that they speak vehemently against the violence one minute and then say they're leaving the next. I especially love the part when the U.S. gets blamed again by those who've left Lebanon and are currently living in parts of America that have embraced diversity better than their own Christian neighborhood. I'm not hating. Really I'm not. Just tired of the same cyclical hypocrisy.

Can't wait to see what happens in the upcoming elections.

Hypocrisy at its Best

Mahmoud wants to lay a wreath at the WTC in honor of the 9/11 victims.

I almost fell out of my chair after reading this one.


This is the same as going into a blind rampage of killing innocents and going "whoooops did I do that?" after they're all dead.

What an amazing manipulator this man is. He's better than Bush and his delusions about the war in Iraq.

17 July, 2007

A Cheesier Knockoff


First they use Mickey, now they replace him with a pathetic looking bumblebee. No rewards will come to these sick bastards except a nice place in hell.

Imagine all the children whose minds are poisoned by this filth!