17 January, 2007

Let's Fight Terrorism

What should we do to free our planet from terrorism? ..asks Indian President Abdul Kalam.

Read people's answers on this forum and alot speak of education, forming the minds and changing perception. More than 8000 have responded so far and much of what I've read are quite relevant. But do so sadly among extremist Muslims is a futile battle. To do so among many disgruntled Arabs is volatile at best. And to extend simple efforts to help and proliferate dialogue these days is a huge risk. Many people are angry.
I get disgusted mostly with Arab-Americans who claim so much right to this country when a growing number of them are hypocritical about supporting the American side of their heritage and nationality. They constantly bash the U.S. government when alot of their pent up frustration is found within many fundamental beliefs in their religion that means crap when it comes to applying their faith in real life. Many have Arab immigrants have forgotten what America (not the government, but the country as a whole) gave them-- an opportunity to live better lives, get better educated, and provide their children with the same opportunities they might not have gotten back home. Instead of educating other communities about their culture, they choose to ostracize themselves even more by increasing religious propaganda, by continuing to blame the U.S. (while they live in American soil). I'm no Arab hater but the stereotypes are starting to speak volumes again about how proud, traditional and closed in they can be. Times are changing. No one needs to veer away from who they fundamentally are. But when someone claims to be one thing while acting in conflicting ways, dont expect any kudos.

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