02 February, 2007

My blog comment on CNN

Comment on Nic Robertson's blog entry
Friday, January 26, 2007
Beirut on the brink
My first big mistake today was I trusted that however close Hezbollah wants to push Lebanon towards the brink of crisis to bring down Prime Minister Fuad Siniora’s government, they would know when to dial back tension and head off an irreversible slide to civil war. That was my first mistake....(click here for his full entry)
Scroll down for my comment on the page but here is the entry...

Nic, Lebanon as a whole is on the brink. Be safe and keep your eyes and ears open. Your blog is among hundreds that echo how hopeless the situation has gotten because the people of this country cant make up their minds. I have read and heard alot of criticism towards the U.S. for their involvement but at the end of the day, this is their country. It is futile to blame other countries for their own hypocrisy over this whole situation. People are angry over too many issues. The Israel-Hezbollah war, Shias vs Sunnis, the shrinking Christian minority, Syria and Iranian involvement...the list is endless and there is still no cohesive direction to strive for peace. After 20 years of civil war, the state of this country only sends the message that Lebanon hasnt learned to give in to peace. There are people who still fan the flames of their bitterness towards the past.
Posted By http://whosewarisitnow.blogspot.com/, United States : 4:07 PM ET


Nice to see less extreme biases from people in Beirut about the effects recent events have done in their country.

What many people dont see in Lebanon is that the root of most evils that are destroying their country are those feelings people have clung to about the past. (I sense a lengthy blog entry of which I'll explain subsequent to this post. ) Tune in for more..

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