21 April, 2007

A killing causes you to take the blame

A Palestinian bystander was killed today by an Israeli aircraft that fired at a car carrying Islamic Jihad members.


But read closely. This happened because Palestinian groups , Islamic Jihad, the Popular Resistance Committees and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades fired rockets in to Southern Israel. It didnt cause any injuries but the Israeli retaliation did.

Then to further slice the wound and deepen the pit of resentment, this appears to be yet another act of retaliation to avenge the deaths of Palestinian fighters who were killed earlier on Saturday by an Israeli undercover unit.

This is just classic press bias. We all know both sides are just involved in a bitter cycle of revenge killings but Israel happens to be the frontline lucky contestant who takes the blame on this article's headline. This was taken from Aljazeera news. The sad thing is, if this were BBC or CNN, it would be laced with hints of its own biases.

Generally I'm growing less and less sympathetic for the Arab world because the more it shouts for justice the louder it fires its guns and sends ambiguous messages on what they want. I feel bad for the moderates who are constantly struggling for common ground and diplomacy while they keep their culture intact but the extremists who bear sectarian divides and prejudice are just disgusting.

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