04 December, 2006

What type of government

Personally I detest the BBC's description of the current Lebanese government as being a "US-backed government". I mean come on already. What is the point at mentioning this? So what if the US backs certain political agendas of other countries. Doesnt England, Syria and Israel or any other country do the same thing? And if Hezbollah did get its way, won more seats in parliament and got Siniora to step down, wouldnt it then be called a "Hezbollah or Shia or Syrian backed" government if the majority shifted to that constituency? (unofficially, it already is!) Calling Lebanon's current government a US-backed government really doesnt do much but enflame the Lebanese's hatred for the West even further. What the people of this country need to do is start taking responsibility for their decisions and the alliances they make, whether they turn out as beneficial or detrimental. To not move forward and constantly blame the U.S. for missteps in its own government is like eating a gooey cookie while you're on a strict diet and blaming it on the cookie jar. The U.S. is never infallible for its involvement in various agendas in the middle east but we are all grown ups here and somehow, we have to take responsibility for our actions.

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