26 November, 2006


Even as Israel pulled out early this weekend from an exchange of fire with Palestine, militant groups still blasted attacks on Israel saying they had no intentions to cease their offense. Islamic Jihad took responsibility saying they would not relent unless military activity would stop in the West Bank. And so the fights go on...
So do the Palestinians really want peace or are they just throwing unnoble attempts to make peace with Israel until they can gather more energy and arms to retaliate once again?
Israel did hold its end of the deal by not retaliating. Regardless, the bitterness the Palestinians (and even the Lebanese) feel towards their neighbor is always going to overshadow Israel's attempts at progressing towards peace. Israel is fierce; no question. But its military structure is more united. Compare them to Lebanon whose army didnt have enough people to protect their southern border that they had to get UNIFIL involved and even their presence is being scoffed at by the Lebanese. When a country lacks legitimate military representation there's no question it speaks volumes of the absence of unity. It discredits any attempts for peace and at a minimum, a decent level of coexistence.

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