04 April, 2007

Pelosi in Syria

Bush kind of has this one right but I'm still waiting to see what happens altruistically because I'm still in the mindset that things will still work themselves out in the end. (we can only hope)


What is Pelosi doing? Either she's in Syria as a decoy or that she wants to keep her enemies close that she gets killed in the process.

There's a TON of politics and deception going on in Syria. Assad definitely is keeping close guard for Lebanon not to move towards a more democratic government for economic and political purposes . There's also it's ties with Iran and it's questioned involvement with Hezbollah supposedly arming it with weapons to support it's cause against the West.

So here comes Nancy with an agenda that somehow diffuses the utterly Republican views of the West yet I cant help feeling concerned that she could possibly help further deteriorate relationships between the U.S. and Syria.

I'm crossing my fingers that this doesnt happen.

Does anyone remember David Bonior's similar efforts in Baghdad back in 2002?

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