Times up. We dont care. Is what Iran recently made clear to the UN and sanctions they would face if they upscaled uranium enrichment. click here for BBC article
They think it's nothing more than the West throwing their weight around while it's pretty clear we all know they're going Frankenstein building a nuclear nightmare in Natanz.
They think it's nothing more than the West throwing their weight around while it's pretty clear we all know they're going Frankenstein building a nuclear nightmare in Natanz.
For a country that has been long questioned on hits human rights stance and lack of freedom of speech, (Found an article on bloggers tortured for expressing their critical views of their government on HRW.click here There's more where that came from, by the way...)
It's a wonder why people just dont give up on the harsh reality that Iran hasnt been a peace-loving country to begin with. But the concept of peace is all relative these days so I base this comment on the fact that Iran hasnt been stepping up towards actions for diplomacy or negotiation ever since they decided to increase uranium enrichment. There's also always been this skittish overreaction towards any type of investigation over their nuclear plants and a fear that the West will take over. Oh this claim is getting old. It's certainly not an impossibility. But I would feel more comfortable having a democratic nation take the reigns than a country with a track record that scores low on social equality. Still, that's not the point.
Couldnt we call just get along? Apparently not according to Iran.
1 comment:
Of course Iran ignores the UN. Remember all the sactions imposed against Iraq in the 90s?
R661 (embargo)
R687 (ceasefire tied to disarmament)
R706 and 712 (oil sales to pay for reparations)
R686 (oil for food fiasco)
Where was the UN when the US went to war over Iraq's noncompliance with R687 in 2003. The UN simply doesn't have the teeth to back up its demands.
You can rest assured the Iranians will continue their uranium enrichment and will be testing a nuclear weapon (just line North Korea) much sooner than we think.
I too wish we could all just get along...
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