21 September, 2006


After the 34 day conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the constant spurts of retaliation still happening in Gaza, the undercover politics between Syria and Lebanon, you wonder if people ever really get the reality that there wont be any resolution happening anytime soon in this part of the world unless something really huge happens. It's scary.

I've heard and read so much talk about the U.S.'s involvement and mind you I'm not one to defend vehemently because every major player in politics in the mideast is in on some type of mess they wont completely admit to. But it's sickening that we get bashed for so much when essentially alot of people who blame us are the same ones who are currently benefiting from the US's economic wealth and some type of shelter from social discrimination.

Many know too well of the advantages of coming to America and living the 'dream' but people have to realize that they also have to persevere and give back to perpetuate a giving society. America is a country of immigrants. And perhaps the greatest thing about this place is the diversity that has fostered so many people of various ethnicities. So why now is there so much backlash coming from the same constituency who praises America for all the same freedoms that they have benefited from all these years?

Has America turned into just a temporary repository of residents that merely see this country as a place to make their living until they can comfortably retire to their native homelands?

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